About Us

It all began in 7th grade cooking class. I was just a young girl with a large sweet tooth. I was thrilled to find out that we were baking chocolate chip cookies that week in class. My teacher printed out a simple recipe on yellow paper. I followed the recipe step by step and created a flawless little cookie. I took a small bite into it and my taste buds were soaring with excitement. I loved this cookie.

After that class I continued to make the recipe over and over again slowly tweaking it to my liking. 37 years later, and thousands of cookies made, the perfect cookie was born.

Once I felt fully confident with my cookie recipe, I started to make the cookies for my children and their friends along with family parties. The feedback from the children was “these cookies rock!” People soon came begging for more. The name stuck and rock’n cookies was created.

It’s time for us to share the cookies with the world, come roll with us.